import {remove as removeDiacritics} from 'diacritics';
* String utilities
* Removes whitespace from both sides of passed string
* @param {String} text
* @return {String}
export const trim = (text) => {
if (text.trim) {
return text.trim();
return text.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, '');
* Checks if passed string is empty
* @param {String} text
* @return {Boolean}
export const isEmpty = (text) => trim(text) === '';
* Makes regex safe string by escaping special characters from passed string
* @param {String} text
* @return {String} escaped string
export const rgxEsc = (text) => {
let chars = /[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g;
let escMatch = '\\$&';
return String(text).replace(chars, escMatch);
* Returns passed string as lowercase if caseSensitive flag set false. By
* default it returns the string with no casing changes.
* @param {String} text
* @return {String} string
export const matchCase = (text, caseSensitive = false) => {
if (!caseSensitive) {
return text.toLowerCase();
return text;
* Checks if passed data contains the searched term
* @param {String} term Searched term
* @param {String} data Data string
* @param {Boolean} exactMatch Exact match
* @param {Boolean} caseSensitive Case sensitive
* @param {Boolean} ignoreDiacritics Ignore diacritics
* @return {Boolean}
export const contains = (term, data, exactMatch = false, caseSensitive = false,
ignoreDiacritics = false) => {
// Improved by Cedric Wartel (cwl) automatic exact match for selects and
// special characters are now filtered
let regexp;
let modifier = caseSensitive ? 'g' : 'gi';
if (ignoreDiacritics) {
term = removeDiacritics(term);
data = removeDiacritics(data);
if (exactMatch) {
regexp = new RegExp('(^\\s*)' + rgxEsc(term) + '(\\s*$)',
} else {
regexp = new RegExp(rgxEsc(term), modifier);
return regexp.test(data);
* Camelize a string, cutting the string by multiple separators like
* hyphens, underscores and spaces.
* @param {String} text text to camelize
* @return {String} camelized text
export const toCamelCase = (text = '') => {
return text.replace(/^([A-Z])|[\s-_]+(\w)/g, (match, p1, p2) => {
if (p2) {
return p2.toUpperCase();
return p1.toLowerCase();
* Generate a string in the format of a UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier).
* NOTE: This format of 8 chars, followed by 3 groups of 4 chars, followed by 12
* chars is known as a UUID and is defined in RFC4122 and is a standard for
* generating unique IDs. This function DOES NOT implement this standard.
* It simply outputs a string that looks similar. The standard is found here:
* source:
* @return {String}
export const uuid = () => {
const chr4 = () => Math.random().toString(16).slice(-4);
return chr4() + chr4()
+ '-' + chr4()
+ '-' + chr4()
+ '-' + chr4()
+ '-' + chr4()
+ chr4() + chr4();