summary | ||
public |
C Emitter Event emitter class |
public |
C Feature Base class defining the interface of a TableFilter feature |
public |
Makes HTML tables filterable and a bit more :) |
public |
Checks if given item can be found in the passed collection |
public |
Adds the specified class to the passed element |
public |
Creates and returns a checklist item |
public |
Creates an html element with given collection of attributes |
public |
Creates and returns an option element |
public |
F createText(txt: String): Object Returns a text node with given text |
public |
Returns the element matching the supplied Id |
public |
F getFirstTextNode(node: NodeElement): String Returns the first text node contained in the supplied node |
public |
Returns text + text of children of given node |
public |
Determine whether the passed elements is assigned the given class |
public |
F removeClass(ele: DOMElement, cls: String) Removes the specified class to the passed element |
public |
F removeElm(node: DOMElement): DOMElement Removes passed node from DOM |
public |
Returns list of element matching the supplied tag name |
public |
Add event handler for specified event on passed element |
public |
Bind passed function to passed scope |
public |
F cancelEvt(evt: Event) Cancels the event if it is cancelable, without stopping further propagation of the event. |
public |
F isKeyPressed(evt: Event, keyCodes: Array): * Check code of pressed key is one of the expected key codes |
public |
Returns the Unicode value of pressed key |
public |
Remove event handler for specified event on passed element |
public |
F stopEvt(evt: Event) Prevents further propagation of the current event in the bubbling phase |
public |
F targetEvt(evt: Event): DOMElement Reference to the object that dispatched the event |
public |
Takes a string, removes all formatting/cruft and returns the raw float value |
public |
F defaultsArr(value: Array | Any, default: Array): Array | Any If passed value is not of array type return the default value otherwise return the value itself |
public |
F defaultsBool(value: Boolean | Any, default: Boolean): Boolean | Any If passed value is not of boolean type return the default value otherwise return the value itself |
public |
F defaultsFn(value: Function | Any, default: Function): Function | Any If passed value is not of function type return the default value otherwise return the value itself |
public |
F defaultsNb(value: Number | Any, default: Number): Number | Any If passed value is not of number type return the default value otherwise return the value itself |
public |
F defaultsStr(value: String | Any, default: String): String | Any If passed value is not of string type return the default value otherwise return the value itself |
public |
F dateSortAsc(First: Date, Second: Date): Number Compare function for sorting passed dates in ascending manner according to the corresponding UTC numeric value (returned by getTime) |
public |
F dateSortDesc(First: Date, Second: Date): Number Compare function for sorting passed dates in descending manner according to the corresponding UTC numeric value (returned by getTime) |
public |
F ignoreCase(First: String, Second: String): Number Case insensitive compare function for passed strings |
public |
F numSortAsc(First: Number, Second: Number): Number Compare function for sorting passed numbers in ascending manner |
public |
F numSortDesc(First: Number, Second: Number): Number Compare function for sorting passed numbers in descending manner |
public |
F sortDateStr(Compare: Function, locale: String): Function Curried compare function for sorting passed formatted dates in desired fashion according to supplied compare function and locale |
public |
F sortNumberStr(Compare: Function, decimal: String): Function Curried compare function for sorting passed formatted numbers in desired fashion according to supplied compare function and decimal separator |
public |
F contains(term: String, data: String, exactMatch: Boolean, caseSensitive: Boolean, ignoreDiacritics: Boolean): Boolean Checks if passed data contains the searched term |
public |
Checks if passed string is empty |
public |
Returns passed string as lowercase if caseSensitive flag set false. |
public |
Makes regex safe string by escaping special characters from passed string |
public |
F toCamelCase(text: String): String Camelize a string, cutting the string by multiple separators like hyphens, underscores and spaces. |
public |
Removes whitespace from both sides of passed string |
public |
Generate a string in the format of a UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier). |
public |
Return an empty function |
public |
Check passed argument is an array |
public |
Check passed argument is a boolean |
public |
Check passed argument is empty (undefined, null or empty string) |
public |
Check passed argument is a function |
public |
Check passed argument is null |
public |
Check passed argument is a number |
public |
Check passed argument is an object |
public |
Check passed argument is a string |
public |
Check passed argument is undefined |
public |
Auto filter delay in milliseconds |
public |
Cell tag |
public |
Checklist filter type |
public |
Date |
public |
Down arrow key code |
public |
Enter key code |
public |
Escape key code |
public |
Formatted number |
public |
V HEADER_TAG: String Header cell tag |
public |
Input filter type |
public |
V IP_ADDRESS: String IP address |
public |
Multiple select filter type |
public |
None filter type |
public |
Number |
public |
Select filter type |
public |
String |
public |
Tab key code |
public |
Up arrow key code |
public |
V root: * Export window or global object depending on the environment |
summary | ||
public |
Adapter module for ezEditTable, an external library providing advanced grid features (selection and edition): |
summary | ||
public |
C ColOps Column calculations extension |
summary | ||
public |
Columns Visibility extension |
summary | ||
public |
Filters Visibility extension |
summary | ||
public |
SortableTable Adapter module |
summary | ||
public |
Rows with alternating background color for improved readability |
public |
Base class for Dropdown and CheckList UI components |
public |
Checklist filter UI component |
public |
Clear button UI component |
public |
C DateType Wrapper for Sugar Date module providing datetime helpers and locales |
public |
C Dropdown Dropdown filter UI component |
public |
Grid layout, table with fixed headers |
public |
C Hash Manages state via URL hash changes |
public |
C Help Help UI component |
public |
Highlight matched keywords upon filtering |
public |
C Loader Activity indicator |
public |
Visual indicator for filtered columns |
public |
UI when filtering yields no matches |
public |
C Paging Paging UI component |
public |
Pop-up filter component |
public |
Rows counter UI component |
public |
C State Features state object persistable with localStorage, cookie or URL hash |
public |
Status bar UI component |
public |
C Storage Stores the features state in browser's local storage or cookie |
public |
C Toolbar Toolbar UI component |
public |
F hasHashChange(): * Checks if browser has onhashchange event |
public |
F hasStorage(): * Checks if browser has Storage feature |
public |
Center position in toolbar |
public |
Left position in toolbar |
public |
Right position in toolbar |